How Pulp Fiction Magazines Changed America
March 15-18, 2007
A Pulp Fiction Festival
Sponsored by Brown University
Providence, Rhode Island
NOTICE: Lovecraft at the Ladd RESCHEDULED DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER: now on Saturday, March 17 at 2:00 pm
Cheap pulp fiction magazines of the early 1900s defied social taboos against violence, sex, and bad taste. Out of this cultural clash, pulp fiction magazines helped spawn some of today's most enduring icons.
This March, Brown University's Program in Public Humanities uncovers the legacy of pulp fiction magazines in a festival featuring gangsters & goths, romance & rogues, spaceships, superheroes, and more....
Read recent national press coverage of Pulp Uncovered.
John Nicholas Brown Center . 357 Benefit Street . Providence, RI . (401) 863-1177